Questions and answers

Answers to questions you may have about the living allowance can be found here.

Who is the allowance intended for?

Refugees from Ukraine who reside in the Netherlands are entitled to a living allowance. Every adult refugee, aged 18 and older, can apply for the allowance. Refugees who have income from work are not entitled to the allowance.

What is the allowance for?

The allowance is intended for the purchase of food, clothing and other personal expenses. If you are in a private shelter, you are also entitled to a housing allowance.

How can I apply for the living allowance?

To make an application, fill in a short application form.

Click here to go to the application form in Dutch

Click here to go to the application form in Ukrainian

(The application form must be filled in with the Dutch Alphabet. So Dutch letters, not Cyrillic letters). You can email the completed application form to or send it by post to:

Postbus 236
7000 AE Doetinchem

When will I receive the living allowance?

The application will be processed as soon as Laborijn has received a completed application form including a copy of the proof of identity. You will receive a letter as soon as possible with information about the payment.

Something changes in my situation. How do I notify Laborijn?

Is your situation changing? Please notify us as soon as possible. This may affect your entitlement to the living allowance. Consider the following changes:

  • you have opened a bank account. Please provide us with your bank account number. The living allowance will then be paid monthly to your bank account
  • you are staying at a different place than you have communicated to us
  • you have a paid job
  • your family composition changes

Notify us of the change within 5 days after the change occurs, but at the latest at the end of the month in which the change took place. You can use the change form for this.

Click here to open the change form in Dutch

Click here to open the change form in Ukrainian

You can email the form to or send it by post to:

Postbus 236
7000 AE Doetinchem

Please contact us if you are not sure whether you should notify us of a change.

Work (and the living allowance)

Can I get help finding work?

Laborijn can help you look at the possibilities of going to work. Do you have a request for help? Send an email to

You can also come by. Every Monday and Wednesday we hold a consultation hour about work, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Driekoningenkapel in Doetinchem (Gasthuissteeg 2, 7001 AZ Doetinchem).

Every wednesday we are also in Aalten, from 1 p.m. to 3 Laborijn (Eerste Broekdijk 69, 7122 LD Aalten).

You're welcome to come.

What happens to my living allowance if I start working?

As soon as you receive income from work, you are no longer entitled to living allowance. Do you receive a living allowance from Laborijn and are you starting  at a job? Please notify us as soon as possible. You can do this via the change form.

Click here to open the change form in Dutch

Click here to open the change form in Ukrainian

Notify us of a change within 5 days after the change occurs, but at the latest at the end of the month in which the change took place.

What happens to my family members' living money if I go to work?

If someone aged 18 years or older works or starts working, the living allowance of the whole family will be stopped. This also happens if someone aged 18 or older receives a benefit from the Dutch government, for example unemployment benefit or a disability benefit.

Will I lose any other rights or benefits (other than the living allowance) if I go to work?

Laborijn currently only provides the living allowance. For information about working, we would like to refer you to the website of the Central Government and UWV. There you will find the most current information.

Click here to go to the website of the Central Government

Click here to go to the website of UWV  

To whom do I have to inform that I am going to work? To Laborijn?

Yes, you must inform Laborijn of this (via the change form).

Do I have to pass on my pay slips to someone?

Laborijn needs a copy of your contract and pay slip when you start working. You will receive this pay slip from your employer. You can submit these documents via the change form.

Click here to open the change form in Dutch

Click here to open the change form in Ukrainian

Notify us of a change within 5 days after the change occurs, but at the latest at the end of the month in which the change took place.

What happens if I lose my job within 6 months (and I am not yet entitled to unemployment benefits)?Am I entitled to living money again?

If you lose your job, you can apply for the living allowance again from Laborijn. You can do this via the application form.

Click here to go to the application form in Dutch

Click here to go to the application form in Ukrainian

What do I need to arrange in order to start working?

The regulation is still under development. For more and the most recent information about work, we refer you to the website of the Central Government.

Click here to go to the website

Will I receive medical care?

As a Ukrainian employee, as of August 1, 2022, you will be covered by the RMO (Regulation on Medical Care displaced Persons) program and you no longer have to issue your own health insurance.

Click here for more information

Will I receive health care allowance?

If you work in the Netherlands and take out a Dutch health insurance, you can receive health care allowance. But you do not have to take out health insurance. Refugees from Ukraine are reimbursed for the medically necessary care from the basic package. Do you still choose to take out a Dutch health insurance, for example for an additional insurance? In that case, you can receive health care allowance. Read more about the reimbursement of medical care on When switching to the RMO, the right to subsidy expires.

Click here for more information about applying for care allowance

Do you work and do you have children under the age of 18?

Then you can apply for financial support for your children from the government. Request Digid Applying for financial support for your children is done online. You need a Digid for that. It is important to request this as soon as possible. You can apply for Digid via this link:

Apply for child benefit

Working parents with minor children (under the age of 18) are entitled to child benefit. You can apply for this benefit from the Social Insurance Bank (SVB). You can apply for child benefit using the link below. Go to the website and click Login. You can then log in with your Digid. is external)

Apply for a child-related budget

Working parents with minor children (under the age of 18) are entitled to a child budget. You can request this budget from the Tax and Customs Administration. You can apply for the child-related budget using the link below.

Do you need help applying for a Digid and financial support for children?

Are there people who can help you (e.g. your host family) in applying for the support? Ask them for help first. If you are really unable to arrange it yourself, we will be happy to help you.


Do you have questions that are not listed here? Please feel free to contact us.

Click here for our contact details

Or send an e-mail to